High School Students
We offer online and in person classes in private and small groups.
All our classes are conducted by French teachers who are enthusiastic about sharing their passion and expertise.
If you are unsure of which class is for your child, feel free to contact us at education@afsandiego.org.
We offer a placement test and can help you book the right class! ​​​
12 week-program starting in January. You can still join some of our classes. Prices are pro-rated to adust to the number of remaining sessions.​​​​​​​
Do you prefer an individual approach? Check out our Private classes.
​Adult thematic classes are open to high school students.
FRENCH 1, 2, 3 AND 4 - San Diego Unified School Distric Certified Classes
The Alliance Française San Diego is proud to be certified by the San Diego Unified School District to give French classes. We are the only French school in San Diego accredited to do it.
French 1, 2, 3, and 4 can all be taken at the Alliance for High School credit.
The Alliance Francaise de San Diego is an independent world language school approved to offer courses that can earn high school graduation credit, along with the corresponding district course names and numbers.

AFSD is committed to pedagogical and cultural excellence. Our qualified teachers are determined to allow their students to learn the language, but not just that. Students can also go on field trips and enjoy a comprehensive French cultural experience while mastering the language.
The program consists of 140 hours of instruction, 2* 2 hours per week, by one of our highly qualified teachers.
For more information, please contact: