Extended care only for our Summer 2024 campers!
You need to be a registered camper to add this opportunity of a later pick-up.
Camps are from Monday through Friday, 9 am to 12 pm.
Extended care is from 12 to 2 pm daily and includes a snack.
Valid for all camps.
Week 1 - July 22 - July 26 -> Ratatouille & desserts
Week 2 - July 29 to August 02 -> Go les JO!
Week 3 - August 05 to August 09 -> Art History in French
Week 4 - August 12 to August 16 -> Tour de la francophonie
Week 5 - August 19 to August 23 -> Francophone Comics
Week 6 - August 26 to August 30 -> Ludicamp
Location: At the Alliance Francaise de San Diego
Extended care for 1 week of summer camp 2024