Exhibition space
The exhibition space includes the Niki de St Phalle room with 2 walls, as well as one wall in our entrance. One additional wall is available in one of our classroom.

Thank you for your interest in exhibiting your work at the Alliance Française San Diego.
Please review our conditions and guidelines before applying. Incomplete submissions will not be considered.
We look forward to discovering your work.
If you have questions, contact culture@afsandiego.org
Exhibition Period
Each exhibition can be held for a minimum of 6 weeks and up to a maximum of 3 months. The artist(s) agree not to request the return of any artwork, either in full or in part, before the end of the agreed exhibition term. Any cancellation within the month preceding the exhibition, without a serious reason, will be subject to a $150 penalty.
Type of Artworks
Any medium in 2D, ready to hang, will be considered. We also have a small space for small-sized 3D artworks.
Both solo and group shows are welcome.
All artworks must be suitable for public display. The Alliance Française of San Diego reserves the right to decline any artwork it deems offensive or otherwise incompatible with the overall nature and environment of the Alliance.
The artist(s) warrant that the artwork is their original creation and does not violate any copyright, trademark, or similar laws and regulations.
Exhibition Space
We offer 4 walls with picture hanging rails and can accommodate up to 20 artworks, each approximately 16x20 inches in size. The number of artworks displayed will depend on their dimensions.
Space dimensions will be provided upon request.
Exhibition Preparation
The artist(s) must submit a preview of all the artwork to be exhibited at least two months prior to the start of the exhibition, unless otherwise arranged.
Additionally, the artist(s) must submit:
Informations requested below in Promotion
A list of each work, including the title, medium, price, and date, on the installation day at the latest.
Artwork Installation, Removal and Transportation
The artist(s) or curator(s) are responsible for the costs of packing, installation, and transportation of the artwork to and from the Alliance Française of San Diego.
The artist(s) or curator(s) must deliver the artwork ready to hang.
The installation must be completed during the week preceding the exhibition opening, at a time and date agreed upon with the Alliance.
The artist(s) or curator(s) must also remove the artwork on the last day of the exhibition period. Packaging materials must be removed from the premises during the exhibition, as we do not have storage space.
For a solo show, if the artist cannot install or remove the work, a $100 donation to the AFSD will be required to cover part of the staff's time for unpacking, installation, packing, and storage of the packaging materials (this donation could vary depending on the number of artworks, and must be agreed before the exhibition). Artworks must be delivered in packaging that can be reused for shipping them back. If the Alliance incurs any costs for packaging the artwork, these will be invoiced to the artist(s). Prepaid return labels must be provided by the artist(s).
For a group show, we require that at least one artist or the curator be on site for installation and removal.
Artwork Insurance
The Alliance Française of San Diego does not accept responsibility for the loss, damage, or theft of consigned works during the exhibition. Artist(s) are responsible for arranging their own insurance.
Opening Night
An opening night can be organized in agreement with the artist(s). Local artist(s) must be present. The Alliance Française of San Diego will provide non-alcoholic drinks and light refreshments.
The Alliance Française of San Diego will promote the exhibition and reception through its website, newsletter, and social media. Additional promotion, such as posters and postcards, is at the discretion and expense of the artist(s).
Once, your work has been accepted, we request for communication purposes at least one month prior to the exhibition opening.
For solo shows:
a statement, resume, or bio, in English, ready to print in letter format
a brief description of the work or body of work, in English, ready to print in letter format
High-quality images of the artworks to be exhibited.
For group shows:
The curator should provide
a list of artists and a brief bio ready to print in letter format
a brief description of the group show ready to print in letter format
high-quality images of a selection of the artworks to be exhibited.
All materials should be sent via email or shared in a Google Drive folder at least 45 days before the exhibition dates.
Files must be labeled with the artist's name.
Artwork Sale
The Alliance Française of San Diego retains 20% of the listed selling price of any artwork sold during the exhibition.
The Alliance processes the full payment for artwork sold and distributes the remaining 80% to the artist(s) at the end of the exhibition.
How to Submit?
Please email your submission to culture@afsandiego.org with the subject line "Submission for Exhibition."
Include the following:
Indicate whether it is a group or solo show.
Provide the bio(s), resume(s) and statement(s) for each artist - links to websites are acceptable.
Include the location of each artist.
Provide a presentation of the artwork (link to website and/or social media) or attach 4 to 5 images to the email.
Specify the preferred exhibition period and length.
Confirm that you have read, understood, and agree to abide by our conditions.
If applicable, describe the artwork's connection to a French-speaking country or culture. If there is no connection, describe your link to the Alliance Française.
Incomplete submissions will not be reviewed.
Submissions are reviewed on an ongoing basis, and only accepted artists will be notified. Please allow 4 weeks for a response. There is no need to contact us before this time frame.